Adventures and misadventures with a cast iron skillet
The holiday season is over and all the gifted items are put
away at our household — well almost.
It’s also below freezing here in Iowa and we are spending a
lot of time indoors which leaves plenty of time for cooking — ironic as we are
also trying to get back on the exercise bandwagon.
One of our favorite gifts this season was a cast iron
skillet. I can’t believe we’ve been married five years and have never had one!
This skillet is amazing. Ten inches of heavy, black metal
waiting to infuse my dishes with delicious goodness.
Unfortunately I’ve already partially ruined it — no surprise
there — but I’m confident we can still make this thing work.
Lesson #1 — DO NOT leave your cast iron skillet soaking in
the kitchen sink overnight. It only took us two uses to make this mistake.
Our skillet came pre-seasoned so it was ready to go. So we
(and by “we” I mean JT, I was at workout class) popped it on the stove and got
to work on the simplest
steak recipe we could find. The
ribeye’s were delicious! Of course they were homegrown from Spencer Farm’s so
how could they not be?
With one success under our belt we quickly started planning
our second dish. Hello
Skillet Bacon Mac’ n Cheese.

You will literally have several pots in the fire when making
this. And I would suggest using a larger cast iron skillet if you have one,
because inevitably the creamy cheese sauce will run down the side of your
skillet. And then you will be tempted to soak your skillet to get that cheese
off — BAD IDEA.
So we left the skillet soaking overnight. And into the next
day, at which point a coworker mentioned you can’t soak cast iron or it will
rust, oops.
I rushed home to dump out the water and check the damage.
Half of the seasoning was off of bottom of the skillet – good thing I got there
when I did!
A little oil and a dry towel made it somewhat better, so all
was not lost. But we’ll be taking extra special care of this skillet from now
on, including
reading the care tips of the Lodge website. Were those there before?
Do you have an amazing cast iron skillet recipes we should
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