Monday, August 26, 2013

Growing, growing . . .raccoons?

Growing up in rural American we grew a sweet corn patch every year. It was on the edge the field by by grandparents house and was oh, about a quarter of a mile long.  Once the corn was ready we would have two weeks of all you can eat sweet corn at every mea. And then two days of a family corn freezing party--it was a hot sticky mess, but delicious to have home grown corn right out of the freezer in the dead of winter. But first we had to battle the raccoons. I don't know exactly how my grandpa got rid of the raccoons and manged to save some corn -- it might have had something to d with our farm dog . . . but I definitely didn't expect our own raccoon visitors to show up in our garden. Who new?! Raccoons will STILL get in your sweet corn, even if you live in town!

But it happened, one morning we went out to the garden and had several downed ears. The raccoon had clearly been hard at work first nibbling the plants and then shucking the corn. Quite the resourceful little fellow.

Our dog is too little to battle a raccoon, and we don't have an electric fence, so we tried a couple other options. And while we never caught the raccoon, he eventually stopped turning up and destroying our almost ready ears. In the end,we got to enjoy a pretty bountiful harvest.

First corn of the season, YUM!

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