Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hot off the grill - Baby Back Ribs

One of the things I love about having grown up on the farm is the endless supply of home-grown, farm raised pork and beef. Growing up we never really purchased meat at the grocery store, we just went to the basement deep freezer that was always fully stocked. Everyone where I'm from has deep freezer and those deep freezers are always full of beef and pork that either you or your neighbor raised.

For our wedding, my parents gave us a deep freeze full of meat, which was . . . Awesome! . . . except that we lived in a one bedroom apartment. I'm pretty sure we were the only people in our apartment complex with a deep freezer in the dinning room.

But now we have a house with a basement, which is exactly where deep freezers belong and we are putting it to good use. The latest meat I commandeered from my mother's deep freeze stash--she has two freezers--are baby back ribs. That's right, fresh, home-grown baby back ribs, now just to figure out the best way to grill them . . . I'll left the grilling up to JT (its best that way).

 Two hours later, he did a pretty good job and the sweet corn went with it perfectly!

Here's a link to the recipe we used.

1 comment:

  1. I had a friend with a deep freeze in their apartment, too!
